A-Z Listings of Articles
- Acton Henry Gordon Gibbon (Spud)
- AJR Refugee Voices Testimony Archive
- Alan Frickers. Pioneer Corps
- Alan Kenny & Bernard Meade (Medical Students, Kings College)
- Alan MacAuslan – Medical Student
- Alan Moore, Lt. Australian Official War Artist.
- Alan Willoughby, AFS
- Albert Drew – Tank Regt.
- Albert Norman Turner (Tom)
- Albert Wood – ‘9’ TROOP 174 Battery 58th L.A.A
- Albert “Paddy” Sutton – RAF
- Alexander Allan
- Alexander Findlay
- Alexander Michie (Lt Col)
- Alex Paton – Medical Student
- Alfred Holmes (RAF)
- Alison Wood
- American Field Service
- Anita Lasker Wallfisch – Liberation
- Anthony Stedman Till – RAMC
- Arnold Peter Meiklejohn
- Arnold R. Horwell (102 Control Section)
- Arthur Edwin Ashford (11th Armoured Division)
- Arthur Reede
- Arthur Tyler (63rd Anti Tank Regiment)
- Aubrey Milstein – Royal Engineers
- Auschwitz and Holocaust Memorial Day
- A Grainy Photo of Grandad
- Bedford QLB
- Belsen Camp Layout
- Belsen Our Story
- Benjamin (Benny) Edwards
- Bergen Belsen Memorial
- Bernard Levy
- Bertram Clayton Brealey
- Bert Hardy – Photographer (AFPU)
- Bill Diack –
- Bill Millin
- Bill Parkinson
- Brian Urquhart (Major) (Sir)
- Brian Villette (113th LAA)
- Brigadier Glyn-Hughes
- Brigadier Robert Daniell
- British POW Liberated
- British Royal Engineer (59 Plant Troop)
- Bronislawa Wiechowna
- Bulldozer Driver Wrinn
- Burning the Huts
- Canadians at Belsen
- Canadians at Belsen – RCAF 437 Squadron
- Cecil William Warren
- Chaim Herzog
- Charles Enrique Dent
- Charles Hall 113th DLI
- Charles Kyndt – Medical Student
- Charles Philip Sharp (113th LAA)
- Charles Williams
- Children’s Swings and Playtime at Belsen
- Cine Film at Belsen
- Clement Edwards
- Clifford Beckwith – Green Howards
- Colonel JN Wheatley
- Colonel Michael Osborn
- Col Gillies – Royal Engineers
- Conrad Wilson – AFS
- Conrad Wilson (AFS) Letter
- Craig P. Gilbert (AFS)
- Daniel Cummings (Padre)
- David Alwyne Nicholas (RAF)
- David Kane (SAS)
- David Sells Hurwood: Guys Medical Student
- Dennis Lewis
- Derrick A Sington – 14 Amplifier Unit
- Desmond Hawkins (Medical Student)
- Dickie Atkinson (9 DLI)
- Don Sheppard – Despatch Rider
- Douglas Brock Peterkin
- Douglas Stringfellow – Not Quite as it seems…
- Duncan Campbell
- Duncan Ridler 1SAS
- Edgar Ainsworth
- Edmond Boyd – Medical Student
- Edmond (Eddie) Williams 32nd CCS
- Eileen Shord
- Elizabeth Dearden (nee Clarkson)
- Eric Brown – Royal Navy Pilot & Interrogator
- Eric Lines – 113th DLI
- Eric Lines (113th LAA) Auction Details
- Eric Stringer
- Eric Trimmer (Medical Student)
- Eric Trott – RAMC
- Eric Trott (RAMC)
- Eric Wilfred Taylor
- Eryl Hall Williams (FRS)
- Evan Griffiths – Mobile Field Hospital
- E M Griffin, RAMC
- E W Blackbell (113th LAA)
- Father Michael Morrison
- First in – 63rd Anti Tank Regt.
- First in (Pt 2)
- Francis, George Fisher (113th LAA)
- Frank Johnson (63rd ATR)
- Frank Moreham – 113th DLI
- Fraser Eadie (Lt Col)
- Fraser McLuskey (Rev) 1SAS MC
- Freddie Gilroy – Royal Artillery
- Frederick Thomas Hill
- Fred Brushett (113 LAA)
- Friends Relief Service
- Frontline – Memory of the Camps
- Fusiliers Mont-Royal – Canada
- George Albert Buckfield
- George Edward Packman – British Red Cross
- George Hanks (63 ATR)
- George Leonard (63rd ATR)
- George Millington Woodwark: Medical Student
- George Morris – Royal Armoured Corps
- George Newson
- George Rodger – Photographer
- George Walker (113 LAA)
- George Wilbert Thompson
- Gilbert King, 249 Battery (Oxford Yeomanry) RA
- Gisella Perl
- Gordon Dutton (Medical Student)
- Guy’s Hospital Medical Students
- Hadassah Rosensaft (Bimko)
- Harold Burgh (REME)
- Harold Pearsall
- Harold Tetlow, Padre
- Harold ‘Tug’ Wilson C Sqn – 11th Armoured Corp
- Harry Morgan RAMC
- Harry Oakes (AFPU)
- Harry Skeggs – 32 CSS
- Hector Duff OBE
- Helen Bamber OBE
- History Learning Site Account
- Hugh Ewart – 41 Commando
- Hugh J Campbell (Lt.)
- Hugh Llewellyn Glyn Hughes – RAMC
- Hugh O Hara – 11th Armoured Brigade
- Hugh Stewart No.5 AFPU
- Jack Marcovitch
- James Ernest Thompson (437 Sqn RCAF)
- James Gosling
- James Henry Molyneaux (Lord)
- James Kitchener Heath
- James Learmonth Gowans: Medical Student
- James Norman Matthews
- James William Illingworth (113th LAA, RA)
- James Willis Oliphant – 11th Armoured Division
- Janet Vaughan
- Jane Levy – Initial Quaker Group
- Jimmy McHattie – 151 Ayrshire Yeomanry
- Jim Henderson (113th LAA)
- Joe Stone, Doctor
- Johanna Hogerzeil (Han)
- Johnny Cooper 1SAS
- John Charles Turner (Trooper)
- John Crosbie (Jack) Lt. 113th LAA DLI
- John Goff Kilner (Medical Student)
- John Hankinson, Medical Student
- John Morris (113th LAA) Despatch Rider
- John Proskie (RCAF/224 Mil Gov)
- John Reynolds – Medical Student
- John Valls – 9th Armoured Div
- John Valls – 9th Armoured Div New
- John Willoughby Gray – GHQ Liaison Regiment
- Jonah Jones – 224 Parachute Field Ambulance
- Josephine Bunting
- Joseph Conerney RAMC
- Joyce Parkinson. (FRS)
- Joy Taverner – Queen Alexandria’s Nurse
- Julia Pirie
- Laurence Wand – Medical Student (St. Barts)
- Leonard Berney
- Leopold John “Leo” Genn (War Crimes Unit)
- Leslie Cole – War Artist
- Leslie Hardman
- Les Hansell
- Liberation Day
- Liberation Dolls
- Liberation of Belsen (79th Anniversary)
- Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Paybody
- Light Anti-Aircraft Regiments
- Lilian Impey (FRS)
- List of Units at Belsen
- Lt Col. James Christie Anderson OBE
- Lt. Alan Wilson (AFPU)
- Lt. T.D.J Finnie (13 Regt. RHA)
- Luba Tryszynska – The Angel of Belsen
- Mada Clare – Nurse (QAIMNS)
- Mady Gerrard – Survivor
- Major Dick Williams
- Major Francis Raymond Waldron
- Major George Wyndham Le Strange
- Major Harold Daintree Johnson, 224 Parachute Field Ambulance
- Major John Grice, RAMC
- Major Jos Mark
- Major N.A. Miller – 224th Parachute Field Ambulance, RAMC
- Major Richard Hewett
- Major-General James Alexander Deans Johnston
- Maj Benjamin George Barnett (63rd ATR)
- Maj Gen James Johnston
- Marie Brown
- Marie Lillian Gent
- Marjorie Ashbery
- Marsh – 63rd Anti Tank Regt
- Martin Herford
- Matthew Westwell – Army Catering Corp
- Maurice Hewlett (113th LAA)
- Medical Report (Read with Caution)
- Medical Students
- Medical Students: At the Camp
- Medical Students: Kings College
- Medical Students: Middlesex Hospital
- Medical Students: St Bartholomew’s Hospital
- Medical Students: St Mary’s Hospital
- Medical Students: St Thomas’
- Medical Students: The London Hospital
- Medical Students: University College London
- Medical Students: Westminster Hospital
- Mervyn Gonin – 11th Light Field Ambulance
- Michael Frey
- Michael Lyne
- Michael Morrison – Priest
- Michael “Moe” Resin
- Mike Courtenay
- Mike Flanagan
- Military Government at Belsen
- Molly Silva Jones – British Red Cross
- Muriel Knox Doherty (Matron)
- Rabbi Dr. Arthur Saul Super
- RAF at Belsen – Football!
- RA Battery Breakdown
- RCAF – 440
- Recognise Anyone?
- Reg McDonnell – Royal Engineers
- Reg Seekings 1SAS, DCM, MM
- Report on Belsen Camp by Lt. Col. Taylor
- Report on Nursing Matters August 1945
- Rev Edwin Oliver Sutton – 11th Armoured Divison
- Rev. Charles Parsons
- Rev. Thomas James Stretch
- Richard Carr-Gomm
- Richard Dimbleby “Witness History”
- Richard Elberfeld – American Field Service
- Robert Christopher Carr (REME)
- Robert McGowan RAMC
- Roll of Honour
- Ronald Douglas Clark (113 LAA) Reflection
- Ronald “Carl” Giles – Cartoonist. OBE
- Ron Westbury
- Rosalind Venetia Pitt-Rivers
- Sally Wideroff – JDC Relief Worker
- Sarah Eckstein (Grebenau) Jewish Relief Unit
- SAS Enter Bergen Belsen
- Sergeant Ian James Grant (APFU)
- Sergeant Richard Leatherbarrow (AFPU)
- Sgt Bert Young of G Company 8th Battalion the Rifle Brigade
- Sgt Eric Jack Rawlings (63rd ATR)
- Sgt. Lewis Stagnetto, 317 FSS, Intelligence Corps
- Sgt. Mike Lewis (AFPU)
- Sir James Gowans (1924-2020)
- Sir William Melville Arnott
- Sister Emily Harding
- Sister Marion Murray
- Sister Mary Bond (29th BGH)
- Sol Goldberg – First Canadian Army
- Squadron Leader Douglas Haig Palmer RNZAF
- Squadron Leader Ted Aplin (RCAF)
- Stanley Cruse
- Stanley Levitt – 113th LAA
- Stanley Winfield (RCAF)
- Steve Shannon – 113th LAA
- Sydney Gottlieb
- Sydney John Fletcher (RAF)
- Ted Smith – Canadian Pilot
- The first in…
- The Heroes of Belsen
- The Numbers
- The Perpetrators at Belsen
- The Red Cross at Belsen
- The Signwriter at Belsen
- The Sign at Belsen Concentration Camp
- The Story of Belsen – Capt. Andrew Pares
- The U.K. Holocaust Knowledge and Awareness Survey
- Think Pink?
- Thomas Gibson – Medical Student
- Thomas Vernon Tubman – 11th Armoured Division
- Timothy Armstrong – 63rd ATR
- Tomi Reichental on liberation day in Bergen-Belsen
- Tom Derek Bowden – Captured British Soldier
- Tom Jackson
- Tom Scholes (58th LAA)
- To Meet in Hell
- Walter Gallant
- Walter Stott
- Wilfred Evans (113 LAA)
- Wilfred Lavin (113 LAA)
- William Atheral George Shepheard III
- William Aubrey Southwood
- William Charles Fraser
- William Dillon Hughes
- William Edward Yapp
- William E Roach (Acting Capt.) 58th LAA
- William James Johnson – Royal Artillery
- William John Garvey
- William Roach Account at Belsen
- William Robert Fitzgerald Collis – Red Cross
- William Stanley Webb – Royal Artillery (113th?)
- William (Bill) Roach 58th LAA v2
- William (Wull) Russell
- Wynford Vaughan-Thomas
- 1SAS Belsen
- 113th Durham Light Infantry at Belsen
- 113th LAA – Photos (Boyes)
- 113th LAA – Vehicle Identifications
- 14 Amplifier Unit
- 32nd Casualty Clearing Station
- 370 Battery – 113th DLI
- 370 Battery – 113th LAA
- 63rd Anti Tank Regt, Move In
- 63rd Anti-Tank Regt
- 63rd ATR – C Troop
- 658 Air Observation Post Squadron
- 75th Anniversary Press – James Heath
- 75th Anniversary Press – John Gardiner
- 75th Anniversary Press – Ken Knight
- 75th Anniversary Press – Motherwell Times
- 75th Anniversary Press – The Northern Echo
- 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Belsen
- 81 British General Hospital
- ‘Dick’ Everett Jenkins – Medical Student
8,795 total views