• Albert “Paddy” Sutton – RAF

    A photo album from an Irish second World War veteran who was present at the Liberation of Belsen concentration camp has been made public for the first time.  8,145 total views

  • RAF at Belsen – Football!

    A couple of weeks or so after the liberation of the Belsen concentration camp, we had occasion to go into the camp — I don’t remember why.  8,443 total views

  • Sydney John Fletcher (RAF)

    My father, Syd, never talked that much about his wartime service with the RAF Regiment but occasionally reminisced about his mates, guard duties at the War Ministry in London, making friends with the mayor of a Belgian town, always the lighthearted side of wartime exploits.  7,174 total views

  • Squadron Leader Ted Aplin (RCAF)

    Edwin Miller Aplin (known as Ted) emmigrated to Canada in 1930 where he met his future wife Elinor Grave Leef. They married on 4 July 1931.  7,967 total views

  • Stanley Winfield (RCAF)

    Stanley Winfield was born in August of 1923 in Calgary, Alberta. He left Calgary in 1941 to join the Royal Canadian Air Force, where he served as a private and aircraftsman in Halifax.  7,746 total views

  • Canadians at Belsen – RCAF 437 Squadron

    “Every picture has a story to tell” may be a cliché but it’s an apt description of the story that’s been revealed since I posted one of my father’s favourite Second World War photos on Facebook last fall. The photo, dated April 1945, shows seven young men — my father, Arnold Black, is standing far right — in their Royal Canadian Air Force uniforms posing proudly in front of their airplane.  8,963 total views

Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp