Daniel Cummings (Padre)
In 1922 Belfast-born Dan Cummings left home three days after his 15th birthday to begin a Juniorate at a Redemptorist College in Limerick. 7,870 total views
Pte S C Hurkett
Pte S C Hurkett was born in Minster, in the Isle of Sheppey. Enlisted/Conscripted 4 April 1940 to 6 DTC RASC (Herne Bay Kent) Posted to 59th Division Supply Column Qualified as butcher 301 Infantry Brigade Coy RASC, designation changed from Driver to Private Posted to 155 Details Issue Depot (DID) on 25 May 1943 based at Llandough Castle, Glamorgan, Wales 19 June 1943 Physical Training Instructor course returned to 155 DID As part of Airborne Corp 155 DID “enplaned 20th September 1944” – flying from Cottesmore 26th September as part of Airborne Forward Delivery Airfield(AFDAG) – including 1st Light Anti-Aircraft Battery flew in 209 Dakotas, escorted by 182 fighters of AFDG and…
Matthew Westwell – Army Catering Corp
Corporal Matthew Westwell, a butcher by trade, served in the Army Catering Corps formed in March 1941. 7,556 total views
To Meet in Hell
British doctor who was forced to play God in Belsen: He was one of the first to stumble on the horrors of the SS camp in a forest – now, 75 years on, a new book captures the depths of wickedness he witnessed as he struggled to decide who could be saved. 5,730 total views
Vivian Dantell
Here in the boot and show department! 7,124 total views
Jim Henderson (113th LAA)
Faded photographs which have been weathered by time still convey the brutal horrors a young soldier witnessed when he helped liberate a Nazi death camp. 6,555 total views
Walter Gallant
Was at the Liberation of Belsen. No unit info known. 7,504 total views
The Perpetrators at Belsen
At least 480 people, including around 45 women, had worked at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp as guards or members of the headquarters staff. Very few ever had to answer for their crimes before a court of law. 2,873 total views
No 7 Mobile Bacteriological Laboratory
No 7 Mobile Bacteriological Laboratory. RAMC. 7,170 total views
Peter Granville Whateley Smith New
Major Peter Granville Whateley Smith who served in the 94th (Dorset & Hants) Field Regiment R.A. 7,584 total views