• James Willis Oliphant – 11th Armoured Division

    Hi, my Grandfather, James Willis Oliphant served with the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry all through the war, latterly with the 2nd Fifes as part of 11th Armoured Division, the Black Bull which liberated Belsen.  8,600 total views

  • James Henry Molyneaux (Lord)

    “If I hadn’t seen what I did at Belsen I don’t think I would have believed someone could do those things to another living person.” Lord Molyneaux  8,766 total views

  • Hugh Ewart – 41 Commando

    Former Royal Marine Commando Hugh Ewart, 92, passed away last Saturday and his family are hoping standard bearers and buglers will give him a fitting send-off tomorrow.  8,387 total views

  • Hugh O Hara – 11th Armoured Brigade

    This is the horrifying image of young soldier Hugh O’Hara helping to bury thousands of death camp victims after liberating notorious Bergen-Belsen. Hugh, who served with the 11th Armoured Brigade, sits at the wheel of a bulldozer, a white hanky at his face, looking out over dozens of dead bodies.  10,003 total views

  • George Leonard (63rd ATR)

    Even before it had been officially liberated by the 11th Armoured Division on April 15, 1945, George Leonard was there behind enemy lines with a tiny force of just 200 soldiers under a flag of truce.  8,402 total views

  • William Roach Account at Belsen

    William Roach, Troop Commander in the 58th Light Anti-Aircraft Regt, and Battery Commander Major Chapman were told to go to Belsen. With two troops, they arrived at the camp mid-morning on 15th April.  6,840 total views

  • Tom Derek Bowden – Captured British Soldier

    The Israeli ambassador and Lord Dannatt, former head of the British Army, were among those who paid tribute at a memorial service to a Norfolk soldier who fought for Israel after witnessing the horrors of the Holocaust.  6,253 total views

  • Albert Drew – Tank Regt.

    My Dad’s older half Brother, Uncle Albert. (Top right in the picture above the swastika flag) was at the Liberation of Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp.  8,912 total views