• Rabbi Dr. Arthur Saul Super

    Rabbi Dr. Arthur Saul Super, a Chaplain with the British army, was present at the liberation of Belsen. (He was my late wife’s uncle).  10,067 total views

  • Tom Jackson

    Sergeant with the Intelligence Corps – British Army for six years. Following the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, Tom was part of the team that arrested the SS Guards on 17th April 1945.  9,050 total views

  • M.G. Morrison

    Father Michael Morrison

    Five years ago I was invited to give a series of lectures aboard The World, a luxurious ship owned by its super-rich residents which cruises (pace Matthew Arnold): “Round the world for ever and aye”. The day before I disembarked in Sicily, one of them asked me to lunch. “I’d like to give you a book,” he said.  9,531 total views

  • Liberation of Bergen Belsen

    Keith MacLellan (1SAS)

    Keith William MacLellan (1920-1998) (first left on photo) was a modest, quiet man who didn’t like to draw attention to himself.  10,280 total views

  • Liberation of Bergen Belsen

    75th Anniversary Press – The Northern Echo

    WHILE the street parties were in full swing in streets festooned with bunting back home in Blighty, Victory in Europe was marked in a starkly contrasting way for many British soldiers serving in different parts of the world.  12,142 total views

  • Brigadier Glyn-Hughes

    Glyn-Hughes qualified as a doctor in 1915 following attendance at University College London. He joined the British Army serving as Regimental Medical Officer for the Wiltshire Regiment (1915-18) & The Grenadier Guards (1918-19).  10,596 total views

  • Dickie Atkinson (9 DLI)

    A VETERAN soldier, believed to the last member of Durham Light Infantry to have taken part in the D-Day landings, has died two days before celebrating his 75th wedding anniversary with his wartime sweetheart.  10,075 total views