Medical Students: University College London
Medical Students: University College London (UCL) 10,565 total views
Medical Students: St Bartholomew’s Hospital
Medical Students: St Bartholomew’s Hospital 11,267 total views
Frontline – Memory of the Camps
MEMORY OF THE CAMPS Original Airdate: May 5,1985 11,499 total views
David Alwyne Nicholas (RAF)
Photo taken at Celle. 9,401 total views
Peter John Horsey: Medical Student
Dr Peter John Horsey 24/07/1924 to 18/01/2015 10,383 total views
Vernon James Evans
Liberation of the camp. Pass issued on 29 July 1945 (filed aside) and photo taken with freed inmates. Vernon in the middle of photo 9,912 total views
George Millington Woodwark: Medical Student
Born in 1923 in England and grew up on Harley Street, London, died peacefully on June 4, 2012. 12,676 total views
Vincent Michael Fay (British Army Chaplain)
THE LIBERATION OF BERGEN-BELSEN CONCENTRATION CAMP, JUNE 1945. Father Vincent Fay, a British Army chaplain of 9th British General Hospital, christens a baby, Henji Dorochova, who was born in Belsen. 12,480 total views
Officers from 113th DLI
Officers from 113th DLI. 11,950 total views
AJR Refugee Voices Testimony Archive
Lilian Levy, Helen Bamber, Sara Kraus-Lefkovitz, Lady Zahava Kohn and Mirjam Finklestein remember Bergen-Belsen. 11,851 total views