Name Directory
Those That Served
There are currently 116 names in this directory beginning with the letter S.
Salt, Sidney (113th LAA)
Just started to try and find out more about my father who was in 113th LAA. I think 370 bty.
His name was Sidney Salt and I think he was listed as a mechanic on the transport. Definately went to Belsen and also Bad Pyrmont where we have visited and stayed in actual guest house he was billeted in
Submitted by: Ron SaltSanderson, Joseph Wyatt (113th LAA)*
369 Battery, 113 Durham Light Infantry
Mentioned in Despatches c April 10, 1945 (Incl Photo of 369 Battery)
Birth: 23 Nov 1914
Death: May 1998 Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England
Submitted by: 113th DLI ArchiveSands, Mary (Sister)
Number 32 Casualty Clearing Station OR No 11 Field Ambulance
Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps (QA)
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveSangster, John Mackay
My dad John Mackay Sangster was a member of 141 RAC the Buffs flame thrower tank regiment.
He was in Belsen at the liberation and then another two years until 1947.
He never spoke about it but I have some momentos of his time there.
One of the prisoners there made him a wooden cigarette box that is a prized possession of mine. Another item is the telegram sent to him in Belsen that he had become a dad with my big brother being born.
Submitted by: Kenneth SangsterSanker, Louis Morris. Rev
Rev. Dr. Louis Morris Sanker (born in 1909) ministered to Bristol Hebrew Congregation. He joined the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve on 1 September 1944 and was appointed on 17 November the Senior Jewish Chaplain to the 2nd Tactical Airforce Rear in the rank of Squadron Leader. Sanker arrived in Belsen some ten days after its liberation and spent a week there. He arranged for Air Force units to contribute everything they could spare to alleviate the suffering there, and vast quantities of food and supplies were donated. One Royal Air Force Reserve squadron went on biscuits for two days to allow the white bread to go to Belsen. Sanker took Hardman to a Royal Canadian Air Force unit, and after Hardman had talked with their officers the medical officer ransacked his whole medical room and the officers contributed and sent in truckloads of food and medical supplies
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveSaville, Albert (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 07/03/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSchofield, Edgar (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 29/07/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSchofield, John Edward
Royal Army Medical Corps between 1941 and 1946. He was one of the first medical officers to be allowed into Belsen concentration camp after its liberation. His shocking accounts of the atrocities there were too horrific to record, although he maintained some diaries which he later destroyed. On demobilisation, he started his anaesthetic career by being appointed the first resident anaesthetist to Manchester Royal Infirmary. Registrar and senior registrar appointments followed. In 1950 he was appointed to the South Manchester Group of Hospitals and set about forming a department of anaesthesia which ultimately became the university department of anaesthesia. “Uncle Jack,” as he was affectionately known by his colleagues, retired in 1981.
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveScholes, Thomas (58th LAA)
An Officer selected Tom and 3 others to follow him with their trucks that towed water carriers. They had no idea where they were going but, eventually, they arrived at Belsen Concentration Camp. The visit lasted about 4 hours, during which time all they could do was leave some water at the Medical Core.
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveScott, John (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 06/03/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveScott, Robert Gordon (AFS)
Volunteed for ATS in February 1944 and served initially in Italy.
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveShanks, John
11th Armoured Division
Thank you - please email us with more info. We'd love a photo too.
Submitted by: Stephen McGuireShannon, George (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 04/04/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSharman, Basil (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveShatwell, Jack
Royal engineers attached to a tank regiment, combat engineer.
Submitted by: Ian K RidleyShaw, Fanny Eliza "Ida" (Capt.) RAMC
Birth 18 OCT 1910 • Kingsley, Staffordshire
Death 12 DEC 1976 • Fenham Newcastle upon Tyne
Served at Tobruk and Bergen-Belsen
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveShaw, James RAMC
Believed to be part of the RAMC that first went into Belsen
(Admin: Thank you Nigel. Do you have any more information? Please email us
Submitted by: Nigel WaterworthShaw, John William (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 02/02/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveShelley, Eric William (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 13/04/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveShepherd, Walter (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveShillito, Harold Wilkinson (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveShord, Eileen Norah
She joined up with the ATS when 17 but had a number of roles when in Germany I think including nursing.
Submitted by: Danielle BranchShotton, Arthur (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 25/05/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveShutler, Bertie Lionel
As a quarry owner, he was experienced in driving bulldozers, and excavators - so was used in that capacity.
Submitted by: Vernon ShutlerSigston, William (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSimpkin, John
My gran said he was there as a reason why he didn\'t like the TV program 'World at War'.
He wouldn't talk about his service, burned his uniform and gave away his medals.
He was probably a corporal in the army but my gran said he was a serjeant.
I do not even know his regiment but have seen others in the Burton-upon-Trent area that confirmed what my gran said and why he wouldn't talk about it.
Submitted by: Stephen John DavisSimpson, Evan
My father, Evan Simpson (1919 - 2020) was a British Commando who was part of the liberation of Bergen Belsen.
Submitted by: Carole SeftonSimpson, Fred (32nd CCS)
British NCO served with 146th Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps and 30th British General Hospital in GB and Iceland, 1939-1942; served with 32nd Casualty Clearing Station, Royal Army Medical Corps in GB and North West Europe, 1942-1945
Audio Recording via IWM
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveSimpson, James (Pioneer Corps)
1908 - 1964 (Aged 55)
"Commandant at Belsen" Ref at Belsen by 18th June, 45
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveSimpson, Robert RMC
A great man who Liberated Bergen Belsen in the great war .A great man my hero my grandad x
Submitted by: Fiona Jane BarclaySinclair, David John (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSingleton, Kenneth (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 15/07/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSkinn, Alpheus (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSKINNER, HAROLD (KIA)
Rank: Gunner
Regiment/Service: Royal Artillery
Unit Text: 113 (2/5th Bn. The Durham Light Inf.) Lt. A.A. Regt.
Age: 22
Date of Death: 07/07/1944
Service No: 1780611
Additional information: Son of William Thomas Skinner and Emily Winifred Skinner, of Brockenhurst, Hampshire.
Grave/Memorial Reference: I. B. 2.
Submitted by: 113th DLI ArchiveSlade, Christopher
225 Company Pioneer Corp 21 Army Group and was moved to 71 Company Pioneer Corp, then 229 Detachment Military Government.
6 sections of the company were moved to Belsen in May 1945. Christopher was then part of the British Army of the Rhine and part of the 618 Military Government ‘R’ Detachment.
Christopher was at Belsen until around June 1946, and was awarded a papal medal by the Vatical Mission at Belsen in March1946. While at Belsen he met Marlene Dietrich in relation to Marlene’s sister Elizabeth.
Submitted by: ArchiveSmallwood, Geoffrey (Major) War Crimes Unit
Arrived 27th April. Heading up a Scratch Team of researchers for War Crimes.
No. 1 War Crimes Investigation Team. (WCIT)
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveSmart, Owen (Sergeant)
‘Before we entered the camp I had never heard of Bergen-Belsen. I knew nothing of what had been going on. We heard about atrocities, which are bantered backwards and forwards, but we didn’t realise really what it was, and then it was just after that, that all the rest of it came about, other camps just like Belsen.
'But to me the name Belsen after that was shocking. I didn’t see anything of the inmates in the prison really. I saw a few, possibly the remainders of those that were fit enough to be put into a hospital – but I didn’t see many of the actual people. They had been taken away, or the remains of them. That was awful... There’s no doubt that after seeing something like what had gone on in Belsen, it does stay in your mind and never goes away.’
Submitted by: ArchiveSmeaton, Frederick George (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 02/03/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSmith-Roberts, Claude Stanley (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 15/07/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSmith, Arthur James
3rd division dispatch driver. Drove a high ranking official into the camp to be signed over to the British. He rode his motorcycle with the official in a side car, passing the armed SS guards who were leaving the camp. The two were on their own travelling in without any protection. What he saw in that camp haunted him until the day he died aged 94.
Submitted by: Helen Mickish (granddaughter)Smith, Charles Edward (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 30/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSmith, David Robertson (Medical Student)
Before qualifying, he joined a group of final year medical students working in relief work at Belsen just after the liberation of the camp. This affected him deeply and he remained reticent on the subject.
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveSmith, George (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSmith, R, C. Battery Sergeant Major (63rd ATR)
249 Battery
6rd Anti Tank Regiment
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveSmith, Robert (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSmithson, Sydney (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 18/05/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSmurthwaite, Frederich (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 30/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSolan, Thomas
I believe my grandfather, Thomas (Tommy) Solan was part of the liberation of Belsen. His war record is classified and we have submitted an official request to obtain it. I was told by my grandmother that he was there but as yet unverified. Both sadly passed away while I was quite young.
Thank you - please email us with more info. We'd love a photo too.
Submitted by: Glenn SolanSouthwood, William Aubrey
63rd Wessex Regt. Recce Corps Royal Armoured Corp
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveSpavin, George Albert (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 15/07/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSpavin, John Edward (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 10/04/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSproule, Jack RCAF 437 Squadron
26-year-old commander of Squadron 437
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveStandring, Frederick (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 15/07/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveStephenson, Gerald (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveStewart, Alexander Bryce (Capt.) MO
Bryce enlisted as Medical Orderly, served in various regiments, ending the war as M.O. Belsen after the concentration camp was liberated.
Birth 19 AUG 1916 • Manchester, Lancashire, England
Death 15 OCT 2004 • Poole Hospital, Dorset, England
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveStewart, Hugh (No.5 AFPU)
Major. MBE
14 December 1910 to 30 May 2011
Beginning his career as an editor, Stewart worked on The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934) and The Spy In Black (1939). During the war he filmed the real life horrors of a liberated Belsen, and later produced films for Norman Wisdom, Morecambe and Wise and the Children’s Film Foundation.
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveStoddart, George Edward (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 22/11/1938
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveStone, Joseph Ellis (Capt) (32 CSS)
32 Casualty Clearing Station
Submitted by: Rebecca SharkeyStory, Eric Guy (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveStott, Sam (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 30/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveStraight, Edwin (Major) RASC
11th Armoured Division, Royal Army Service Corps
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveStretch, Thomas James (Padre)
Featured on film
“Reverend T.J. Stretch, attached as padre to the formation concerning this camp. My home is at Fishguard. My parish is at Holy Trinity Church Aberystwyth.”
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveStringer, Eric
Birth 1917 • Croydon, Surrey
Death JUN 2002 • Worthing, West Sussex, England
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveStringer, Frank (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveStych, Fred (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSuddes, Ernest
Gunner RA. Served 1938- 1945..present at liberation of Bergen Belsen ...Never spoke about his experiences
Submitted by: M. Harland- Suddes...daughter in lawSuddes, Ernest 113th LAA
Gunner RA. Served 1938- 1945..present at liberation of Bergen Belsen ...Never spoke about his experiences
Home, Brandon, County Durham
(Possible 113th LAA - being in County Durham)
Submitted by: M. Harland-Suddes...daughter in lawSumpster, A D Lt (113th LAA)
(113th LAA) Possibly Antony Douglas b: 15 Dec 1918 Petersfield, Hampshire
Submitted by: 113th DLI ArchiveSuper, Arthur Saul (Rabbi & Dr)
Rabbi Dr. Arthur Saul Super, a Chaplain with the British army, was present at the liberation of Belsen. (He was my late wife’s uncle).
Submitted by: Chaim FreedmanSutcliffe, Patricia
Served as an orderly in a field hospital or other medical facility at or shortly after the liberation of Belsen.
Thank you for the details. Please email us at with any more information.
A photo always helps too. We have lots of photos with unknown service personnel.
Submitted by: Tim Napier-Munn (son)Sutton, Edwin Oliver (Reverend)
My grandfather Edwin Oliver Sutton was born in Hankow, China (a district of Wuhan) in 1902. He was a Methodist minister and served as a chaplain in the British Army in the second world war. He joined the newly formed 11th Armoured Division – known as the ‘Black Bull’ – under Field Marshal Montgomery, and he was one of the first Allied soldiers to participate in the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp 75 years ago today. Apparently, one of his main tasks was assisting with burying the bodies and helping to mark the graves of those who died in that camp.
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveSutton, Ernest (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSwift, Edmund (Rev)
Rev Father Edmund Swift, SJ, Roman Catholic Chaplain to 81 British General Hospital.
“On the first day of their gruesome task of burying the corpses, a party of the Wehrmacht [German] soldiers broke down completely. Having deposited about two dozen bodies in the grave, a corporal ripped off his Iron Cross and stamped it in the ground. The rest of the company followed suit and tore off their badges and decorations in sheer disgust.”
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveSydenstricker, Virgil P. Lt. Col.
Head of the Nutrition Section, Health Division, UNRRA
Visited the camp shortly after liberation
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveSubmit a name
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