Name Directory
Those That Served
There are currently 140 names in this directory beginning with the letter M.
MacAuslan, Alan David Rowan (Medical Student)
St Thomas’ Hospital, medical student Alan MacAuslan joined a volunteer party of aid relief comprising of medical students from London’s teaching hospitals.
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMacdonald, Robert (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMacLellan, Keith W (Lieutenant) 1SAS
A Canadian from Aylmer, Quebec.
The first Canadian to enter the camp.
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMacRitchie, Angus (113 LAA)
530/55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 14/11/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMagee, Charles (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 29/07/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMalcolm, Sydney (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 31/08/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMallon, John Sgt. Major (58th Light A.A Regt)
Sgt. Major
58th Light A.A Regt.
Men of which had been detailed for guard duty at Belsen after its liberation. A Liverpool man. Willow Place, Fair-street.
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMarcovitch, Jack
Canadian Regt.
Submitted by: Canadian Regt.Markey, Lesli
My uncle Lesli Markey was with the first into Belsen he was never the same man when he came back. He spoke to my mother about it once and said they had walked through the gates of hell . And never spoke of it again .
Submitted by: Lesley HillMarsh, George Henry (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 30/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMARSH, WALTER (KILLED TRAINING ACCIDENT)
4453856 Sergeant Walter Marsh
Death: Dec. 9, 1943 (Training Accident)
4453856 Sergeant Walter Marsh
368 Bty., 113 (2/5th Bn. The Durham Light Infantry) Lt. A.A. Regt. Royal Artillery
Died age 27
Son of Walter and Charlotte Marsh, of West Hartlepool; husband of Eliza Marsh, of West Hartlepool.
Burial: Stranton Grange Cemetery
Hartlepool County Durham, England
Plot: 5. Div. B. Uncons. Grave 817.
Submitted by: 113th DLI ArchiveMarshall, John Thomas (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMarshall, William (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMarshall, Wm Dixon (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 10/05/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMartin, Edward (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMason, Mark (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMather, Stanley (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (2/5 Durham Lt Infantry) Enlistment Date: 25/05/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMather, William H. Lt. Col. (113 LAA)
1907-1983 (76 aged) OBE
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMatthew, R. A (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 06/06/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMatthews, Christopher (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA)
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMcColl, Hugh (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 03/03/1938
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMcComlrie Thom, Robert Mc (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 25/05/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMcConnell, Samuel (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMcCorkindale, Campbell Alexander Lt. Col. (CCS)
(b Ardbeg, Islay 1901; q Glasgow 1925; DSO, OBE), d 13 June 1998. Called up on 1 September 1939, he served with distinction throughout the war reaching the rank of lieutenant colonel. From 1941 he was commanding officer of 174 Field Ambulance, 51st Highland Division, in north Africa, Sicily, and Normandy and later of a casualty clearing station. He was awarded the DSO and OBE and mentioned in dispatches twice. His unit was one of the first to enter Belsen concentration camp at its liberation. In 1956, much to his astonishment, he was promoted to colonel and recalled to duty as commanding officer of a field general hospital in reserve for Suez.
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMcdonald, George (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 16/01/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMcFarlane, Jean Miss
British Red Cross Civilian Relief Team
Part of the first group of 6 teams. x5 British Red Cross and Order of St Johns (now St Johns Ambulance) and x1 Friends Relief Service. Arriving night of 21st April, starting 22nd April.
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMcghee, Arthur (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMcGhee, John (RAMC)
Army No: 7382606
Rank: Private
Service Trade: Nursing Orderly
Unit: 67th British Military Hospital RAMC
Call up Date: 7th July 1940
Dispersal Unit 16th May 1946
Submitted by: Peter McGheeMcGrath, Pamela
British Red Cross Relief Team
“In the latter year of the war, I was in Germany with the Red Cross Mobile Relief Tam. We were asked by the Army to go to this newly found labour camp, to run it for the surviving inmates. Typhus was rampant and the Belsen Camp had been cleaned and cleared by the Army, now moving on.” Ref. Living in Cirencester. Wilts & Gloucs Standard. 9th April 2017
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMchugh, Thomas (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMcIver (no first name submitted)
Doctor, RAMC (Father)
(Harry please email us with a first name)
Submitted by: Harry McIverMcKeown, Albert (Major)
Found your website by chance so thought I'd let you know another name for the Liberators list as I've been researching my family tree.
Maj Albert McKeown
Sherwood Foresters under the Royal Artillery.
Submitted by: Jenny McDowell McLennan, Jim
113th Light Anti Aircraft The Royal Artillery.
369 Battery.
Regimental number 11425219
Submitted by: 113th DLI ArchiveMcMurchie, Duncan (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 14/11/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMcMurtry Anderson, Robert
I think my grandfather Robert McMurtry Anderson was an ambulance driver attached to the American army who helped liberate the prisoners from Belsen.
He didn’t talk about it other than what is above so I don’t know any more about it. I’d love to know more about his service.
Nancy Anderson
(Admin: Poss AFS? )
Submitted by: Nancy AndersonMcQullin, Terence Charles (RAMC)
British NCO served with Royal Army Medical Corps at Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMcRitchie, Charles (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 14/02/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMear, Clifford (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMelvin, William Andrew (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 16/09/1950
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMercer, Frederick Charles (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 30/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMerrick, Robert Wm (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMesser, Arthur (113th LAA)
Lance Bombardier. 1st Class No 1658027.
My grandfather died almost 24 years ago, he never really spoke too much about his war time service however, I do know he was in the 113th LAA and I know most of the route he took from D-Day by reading around general histories and some personal accounts.
Submitted by: Andy FawcettMesser, Arthur Rosswyn (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMetcalf, George Ernest (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (Durham LI) Enlistment Date: 15/07/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMiddlemass, William (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (Durham LI) Enlistment Date: 07/03/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMiles, W.H. (Major) 224 MGD
224 Military Government Detachment
Arrived 2pm on 17th April
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMiller, Frederick Horace (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 30/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMills, Agnes (Peggy) Red Cross
Red Cross attached to the VAD. Voluntary Aid Detachment.
Birth ABT. 1920
Death 21 AUG 2004 • Largs, North Ayrshire, Scotland
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMilner, Eugene Joseph (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 04/07/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMilner, George
Grandad George Milner, 1908-1977. Royal Artillery 21st Army Group. 1939-1945. His war ended at Luneburg heath, may 1945, never spoke about what he heard and saw at Belsen.
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMilner, Kenneth
1922-1995. Served in the British Army in North Africa, D-Day and ended the war as part of the British Army that liberated Bergen-Belsen. He never spoke to his family, other than his wife, about what he saw there. His wife thought he suffered from PTSD from the experience, apparently he never forgot the smell of the camp. He died of cancer in 1995.
Thank you - please email us with more info. We'd love a photo too.
Submitted by: Ian DuddyMilnes, Arnold (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 29/07/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMilstein, Aubrey (Royal Enginners)
"We got here three weeks after the liberation and there were still bodies littered everywhere. It took six months to bury them all"
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMilton, Donald (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 13/04/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMinchin, Robert Jobes (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 04/01/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMincin, James (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (Durham LI) Enlistment Date: 02/03/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMitchell, Joseph (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMoakes, Geoffrey (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 29/07/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMolyneaux James Henry (later Lord)
Corporal Jim Molyneaux, RAF. A nine-man specialist group of commandos to reconnoitre for airfield sites.
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMoody, George
British Army
16th Air Formation Royal Signals Regiment.
D Day veteran too. Never spoke about this till recently but traumatised. He was 21.
Submitted by: Pat BielbyMoore, Alan (Lieutenant)
Australian official war artist, VX93880 Lieutenant (Lt) Alan Moore Lt Moore was briefly attached to the Welsh Guards during his war time service with the Australian Army. Whilst at Belsen, Lt Moore made several paintings, sketches and drawings as a record of Nazi atrocities committed against the inmates.
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMoore, James (113 LAA)
44/55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA)
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMoore, Norman Batey (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 14/11/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMoreham, Frank (Gnr)
113th Durham Light Infantry RA
368 Battery
Mentioned in Despatches c April 1945
Submitted by: 113th DLI ArchiveMoren, Archibald George
Born June 3, 1924 to a family of four that shared a one-room flat in a London tenement, Moren's service, whether to his country, his friends, or his customers, took him much farther.
The tumultuous years of World War II set much of life's stage for Moren, who as teenager did night duty as a firewatcher, looking out for enemy bombing raids, atop the roofs of London. During the day, he served as an apprentice to his uncle, who was the maitre d' at the posh Mayfair Hotel.
At 18, he was conscripted by the British Territorial Army, trained as a tailgunner for the Royal Armored Corps and sent off to fight the Nazis.
The next years brought adventure and triumph for Moren. He landed on the beaches of Normandy, north of American troops, on D-Day, and later was among the first Allied forces to enter the concentration camp at Bergen-Belsen in Germany.
After the Allies' victory, Army officials decided Moren's restaurant experience made him well suited to become a cook for the occupying forces in Germany.
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMorgan, A W (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (Durham LI) Enlistment Date: 04/05/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMorgan, Frank (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 19/04/1938
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMorrell, Reginald Stanley (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMorris, Arthur (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 15/07/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMorris, George
George Morris, Royal Armoured Corps, was from Bradford, West Yorkshire. He arrived at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp 13 days after it had been liberated.
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMorris, Ian Benson (Lt Col)
Mobile Laboratory.
Gave evidence at the Belsen Trial
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMorris, John (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 30/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMorris, John (113)
Gunner John Morris.
Despatch rider attached to 113th. There were 70 despatch riders
Submitted by: Paul WilsonMorris, Robert William
I'm doing research of my father-in-law Robert William Morris who I never knew. Robert was born in 1913 and was much older by 23yrd than his 2nd wife my mother-in-law. We don't know much about his time in the army during WW2 has like many he never spoke about it to his family. We thought he was in the tank regiment 39th brigade from badges we have found in an old suitcase. But the mother-in-law told us he was in the intelligence corps. The only thing he said to her was he had at some point met Eva Braun who he described has an evil woman and he was one of the first into Bergen Belsen which he said was an awful experience. Other than that we don't know much about that time. He could speak fluent German, French and Romansh which could explain why he was picked. After the war and following the death of his 1st wife in 1948 he went to Switzerland as a tour guide where many years later he met my mother-in-law who also worked as a guide. Would love to find out more info for my wife if you could point me in the right direction.
Submitted by: Dave EdwardsMorrison, Michael C. (Padre)
Father Michael Morrison (October 1908, Listowel, County Kerry, Ireland, U.K. - April 1973, Dublin, Republic of Ireland was an Irish Jesuit priest. Educated at Sexton St. Christian Brothers, and at the Jesuit Mungret College, Limerick, he trained as a Jesuit Priest in St Stanislaus College, Tullabeg, Co. Offaly from 1925, and was ordained on July 31, 1939.
Arrived on 17th April with the 32nd Casualty Clearing Station (a mini field hospital),
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMorton, (Lt)
113th Durham Light Infantry RA
370 Battery
Mentioned in Despataches c April 1945
Submitted by: 113th DLI ArchiveMorton, Ernest William (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 29/07/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMorton, Fred (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (Durham LI) Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMorton, W. G (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 25/04/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMottershead, Edward
Ww2 Belsen was involved in army whichi went in after it was liberated
Submitted by: Joanna CarterMotz, Arnold (AFS)
May 18, 1915 - August 15 3013
Motz was the pastor of Woodland Park Chapel in Portland for 58 years.
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMulley, James Albert (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 20/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMurphy, E J (Lieut)
Offered services to D Platoon, 567 RASC, American Field Service
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMurphy, Harold (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 30/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveMurray, John
My uncle John Murray drove a bulldozer burying all those people
Submitted by: Harry StanleyMurray, Marion (Sister)
My aunt, Sister Marion Murray from Dornoch in the county of Sutherland who served on hospital ships.
Submitted by: Chris MurrayMurray, N.J. Capt 658 Squadron AOP
Submitted by: Belsen ArchiveMustard, John
75 Anti-tank regiment, Royal Artillery
(Please send us some details via email!)
Submitted by: John Mustard (jnr)Mycock, Alfred (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 18/04/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen ArchiveSubmit a name
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