• Fusiliers Mont-Royal – Canada

    As a very young teenager, an exceptional documentary on the concentration camps had been broadcast one evening on Radio-Canada. It had been shown a on weekday at 11 o’clock at night.  8,361 total views

  • Jonah Jones – 224 Parachute Field Ambulance

    My father, the artist Jonah Jones (1919-2004), was effectively a lifelong pacifist. As with many things, including religion, he was a doubter, but he never quite renounced his principles, for he hated war, having witnessed its dreadful depredations.  8,326 total views

  • ‘Dick’ Everett Jenkins – Medical Student

    In April 1945, just before the Second World War ended, nearly 100 medical students from across London volunteered to support the British army. In this group, there were students from St Mary’s Medical School and Westminster Medical School, two of the schools that formed Imperial College School of Medicine. 75 years on, we want to share their stories and celebrate their courage.  8,569 total views

  • Medical Students

    The Friends of Blackheath Halls presented this fascinating talk by Professor Stephen Challacombe on 30th September 2020.  9,458 total views

  • Derrick A Sington – 14 Amplifier Unit

    On 15 April at the request of GSO, 11 Armoured Division, 14 Amplifier Unit joined 23 Hussars and accompanied them into the “neutral zone” of Belsen Concentration Camp.  8,976 total views

  • Sally Wideroff – JDC Relief Worker

    Sally Wideroff (born Sally Bendremer), a JDC (JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE) relief worker, spent thirteen months in the British Zone of Germany where she worked first in the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp and later at the Warburg children’s home in Hamburg-Blankenese.  9,435 total views