• Rev Edwin Oliver Sutton – 11th Armoured Divison

    These last few months have been an incredible journey of discovery of the story and service of my grandfather, a Methodist minister and army chaplain, serving from 1940 – 1945 with the 11th Armoured Division.  6,269 total views

  • Jack Marcovitch

    Jack Marcovitch (1923-1994) was born in Montreal, Canada. He was the oldest child of Louis and Leah (Barmash) Marcovitch who were immigrants to Canada from Bucharest, Romania. In 1946, Jack married Sarah Berbrier and had three children, Donald, Gloria and Linda.  8,048 total views

  • Arnold Peter Meiklejohn

    Arnold Peter Meiklejohn (1909 – 14 June 1961), known as Peter Meiklejohn, was an English physician and academic, specializing in nutrition.  5,674 total views

  • Tom Scholes (58th LAA)

    Tom Scholes was called up for 6 months in the First Militia, aged 21, on 17 July 1939. Those 6 months lasted some six and half years!  6,681 total views

  • William E Roach (Acting Capt.) 58th LAA

    William E Roach OBE 172 Battery, 58th Light Anti-Aircraft (LAA) Regiment Royal Artillery (RA), during April 1945 when his unit was one of the first to arrive at the concentration camp at Belsen.  8,608 total views

  • Tom Jackson

    Sergeant with the Intelligence Corps – British Army for six years. Following the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, Tom was part of the team that arrested the SS Guards on 17th April 1945.  6,440 total views

  • Liberation of Bergen Belsen

    No. 5 AFPU Ft. Norman Midgley

    The Army Film and Photographic Unit was a subdivision of the British armed forces set up on 24 October 1941, to record military events in which the British and Commonwealth armies was engaged. During the war, almost 23 percent of all AFPU soldiers were killed in action; the AFPU was disbanded in 1946.  7,397 total views