• Ian Forsyth and Julien Wieciech

    As a young soldier in April 1945, Ian Forsyth faced the gates of Belsen concentration camp from the confines of an army tank as allied troops prepared to liberate it and for the first time in his life he understood what he was actually fighting for.  6,654 total views

  • Canadians at Belsen

    We’d love to hear from anyone with details of any service personnel from Canada serving in UK units or within any Canadian units.  6,431 total views

  • Duncan Campbell

    Duncan is standing, second from left. Back of the photo says, “The Belsen Gang, Calais 45”  7,113 total views

  • Maj Gen James Johnston

    A plaque has been unveiled in memory of an Army medical officer who treated prisoners at a German concentration camp in 1945 following its liberation.  7,644 total views

  • Rev. Charles Parsons

    My Great Grandfather, The Reverend Charles Martin King Parsons CF was an army chaplain with the 9th British General Hospital during WW2.  6,783 total views

  • Alex Paton – Medical Student

    My friend Alex Paton, who has died aged 91, was a distinguished physician who never sought high office in medicine but did good quietly, mentoring junior doctors, influencing the profession, and using his knowledge of liver disease to improve alcoholism treatment. When still a medical student, he spent May 1945 assisting in the liberation of Belsen.  6,724 total views

  • Janet Vaughan

    Dame Janet Vaughan, (1899–1993) the well-connected daughter of the headmaster of Rugby, great great niece of Sir Henry Halford (1766–1844), president of the Royal College of Physicians, and second cousin of Virginia Woolf, was an expert on blood disorders, specifically pernicious anaemia.  6,204 total views

  • Rabbi Dr. Arthur Saul Super

    Rabbi Dr. Arthur Saul Super, a Chaplain with the British army, was present at the liberation of Belsen. (He was my late wife’s uncle).  7,363 total views

  • Brigadier Glyn-Hughes

    Glyn-Hughes qualified as a doctor in 1915 following attendance at University College London. He joined the British Army serving as Regimental Medical Officer for the Wiltshire Regiment (1915-18) & The Grenadier Guards (1918-19).  7,692 total views