The Liberation of Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp

Welcome this new archive relating and dedicated to the men and women service personnel and the part they played at the Liberation and subsequent Humanitarian Effort of the Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp in 1945: The Liberation of Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a name/details to coincide with the anniversary of the liberation of Bergen Belsen – we’ll go through all your submissions, moderate and add them on. If you have a photo or any more details please email us. Thank you.

We are now inviting any relatives of service personnel who may have been at the camp to get in touch. Any regiment, service, nationality, volunteer or any snippet of information – we would like to hear from you. We do not believe there are any records of the diverse group of men and women, many completely untrained, who were involved with the camp, after it’s liberation.

Those That Served

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There are currently 78 names in this directory beginning with the letter L.
Lacey, Capt. C.E. (RAMC)
224th Parachute Field Ambulance, RAMC More
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Lackin, D (RAMC)
7366144 Pte D Lackin RAMC one of the men which liberated the camp
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Laidler, Robert (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 09/05/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Lamb, Norman
Submitted by: Deborah Lamb

Lambeth, Jack
Submitted by: Sue Kirwan

Lane, Jack (RAMC)
Came from Doncaster
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Lang, William (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 12/11/1936
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Langan, Jacob (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 25/05/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Langton, John James (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 10/02/1938
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Lasky, Ernest. Cpl (RASC)
From Pontypridd
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Latry, Roger
Interrogation team. Ref 24th April. Ref as former inmate prior to being with french resistance.
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Latus, Harry
RAMC att. 8th Army. Medical Corps. My Dad (Henry) Harry Latus was amongst the first medics to enter Belsen. He rarely spoke about it but you could always tell he was hiding something in his heart and memores. In his eighties he wanted to return , to lay the ghosts I think , but he was very poorly by then so we took him to see the Holocaust exhibition at the Imperial War Museum London. All the horrors were documented there. The first and only time I ever saw Dad cry was when he remembered a small girl coming to him for help. She had typhus tumours and he couldn’t do anything for her. She died that night.
Submitted by: Christine Latus

Laverick, Gordan Leslie (113 LAA)
245/55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 20/02/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Lavin, Wilfred (113 LAA)
Regimental Cook. 368 Battery More 1910-1985
Submitted by: Frank Lavin

Lawrence, Sidney
Sidney Lawrence was my great uncle, he passed away in 1995. He was part of the Essex Regiment and roughly nineteen years old, he was forever changed the things he had seen really scarred him and he lost his hair and body hair which never grew back, he couldn’t sleep and found solace in books! He was a truly great man he influenced me to enjoy history at school, he talked about what he saw in Belsen which he only did due to a history assignment, the sounds, the people that survived and the bones with a small amount of skin stretched over them, he was definitely traumatised!
Submitted by: Hayley Turner

Lawrie William Sgt.

Laws George Sgt.

Lawton, (Sgt)
113th Durham Light Infantry RA 369 Battery
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive

Layton, T.V. Dr Senior Medical Officer
Arrived with Muriel Doherty (Matron) on 11th July 1945 More
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Le Messurier, Colin
I would like to have information on my late father, Colin F Le Messurier, of the Army who was involved in liberating Belsen.
Submitted by: Mary Barr

Le Strange, George Wyndham (Major)
63rd anti-tank regiment that liberated Belsen. More
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Leach, C N Dr
Rockerfeller Foundation Visited the camp shortly after liberation with Col. V.P. Sydenstricker, Head of the Nutrition Section, Health Division, UNRRA
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Leadbetter, Harry
Royal Engineers

Leary, George (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Leatherbarrow, Richard Sgt. (AFPU)
AFPU film cameraman and photographer. More
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Lees Norman

Lefley, G (32 CCS)
32nd Casualty Clearing Station
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Leonard, George (63rd ATR)
Lance Bombardier 63rd Anti Tank Regiment (QOOH) Queens Own Oxfordshire Yeomanry MoreSubmitted by: Belsen Archive

Leslie Revill, Charles Leslie (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Lever, Albert Kitchener (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Leverson/Levy Jane Elinor
First Jewish Relief worker and a member of the Quaker Team More
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Levine, Bernard (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 30/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Levitt, Stanley (Battery Sergeant Major)
113th Durham LA More
Submitted by: 113th Durham Light Infantry RA

Levy, Bernard
Corporal in the British Military Government. More
Submitted by: Jude Levy

Levy, Isaac (Rabbi)
Senior Jewish Chaplain to the British 2nd Army
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Lewis Beryl Frances Norah

Lewis, Dennis
1st Battalion, The Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry More
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Lewis, Iolo
11th Armoured Brigade More
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Lewis, Joseph Tegart. Lt Col.
RAMC Medical Hospital “We the unit to which I was attached arrived at Belsen, premilimary clearing of the camp had already been done. This was soon completed and we were present at the official burning down of the camp.”
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Lewis, Mike Sgt (AFPU)
Mike Lewis, a Jewish soldier in the British Army, filmed the bulldozers, driven by British soldiers, as they shoved the emaciated bodies towards the mass graves. This documentary film is still shown today at the Memorial Site. In the film, Mike Lewis said that he took a turn driving the bulldozer himself, while another soldier held the camera. More
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Lewis, Richard A.
Native of Columbus, born April 10, 1925, to Joseph and Ruth Berliner Levison. After graduating Columbus East High School, Richard joined the U.S. Army serving in both World War II and the Korean Conflict. He earned Silver and Bronze Stars, two Purple Hearts, and was commissioned as an officer in the field, ultimately earning the rank of Lt. Colonel. He was among the forces that liberated Bergen-Belsen. Richard founded Richard Lewis Travel with branches in Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati, Louisville, Houston, San Francisco, and London, England. He was known as "Mr. Travel" throughout the travel industry.
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Lewkowicz Sala

Ley Dr.

Liddell, William (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (Durham LI) Enlistment Date: 25/04/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Liddiard, George Bernard (110 HAA)
My dad was a British soldier at Belsen but after the war he wouldn’t speak about it (I was born on April 17th 1945). My dad was Gunner 1575864 George Bernard Liddiard of 110 HAA regiment and he went to Belgium in the autumn of 1944. However, as there were no enemy aircraft to shoot at in the Spring they joined the infantry and were ‘mopping up’ so not sure if they stumbled across Belsen or were ordered in? His release book says that he was transferred to RASC/Pool with EFI.
Submitted by: Nick Liddiard

Liddle, Samuel (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 09/05/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Lightfoot, J K (Sgt)
I believe that my late father, Sgt J K Lightfoot late of the 141 Royal Armoured Corps (The Buffs) Churchill Crocodiles. Throughout his life, he spoke very little of his war, only during his final day's did he share his terrible memories
Submitted by: Classical Brands

Lilley, George (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA)(TA) Enlistment Date: 03/05/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Limerick Angela Lady

Lindores, Ethel Fleming (113th RA)
Driver for Padre, John Ross Hopefully more details to follow...
Submitted by: Chris Payne

Lindsay, William Henry (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (Durham LI) Enlistment Date: 18/05/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Lines, Eric (Sargeant) (113 LAA)
113th DLI SERJEANT 4690934 Awarded MILITARY MEDAL More
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Ling, Arthur Patrick (poss 113th)
Gunner. (Asked if related to 113th LAA Lance Serjeant Ernest Ling)
Submitted by: Patricia Wainwright

Name: LING, ERNEST Nationality: United Kingdom Rank: Lance Serjeant Regiment/Service: Royal Artillery Unit Text: 368 Bty., 113 (2/5th Bn. The Durham Light Infantry) Lt. A.A. Regt. Age: 25 Date of Death: 22/07/1944 Service No: 2061888 Additional information: Son of Henry Joseph and Rose Ling; husband of Florence May Ling, of Forest Hill, London. Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead Grave/Memorial Reference: I. E. 12. Cemetery: BAYEUX WAR CEMETERY
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive

Linley, Ellis (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 29/07/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Linton, John Brydson (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Lipscomb Martin Lt. Col.

Lipscombe, F. M. (Lieutenant-Colonel)
Frederick Martin. Medical Advisor. RAMC
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Rank: Warrant Officer Class II (B.S.M.) Regiment/Service: Royal Artillery Unit Text: 113 (2/5th Bn. The Durham Light Inf.) Lt. A.A. Regt. Age: 31 Date of Death: 28/11/1944 Service No: 1694013 Additional information: Son of Joseph Edward and Maud Lipscombe; husband of Muriel Mary Lipscombe, of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Grave/Memorial Reference: IV. A. 9. Cemetery: VENRAY WAR CEMETERY
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive

Livingston, William Francis (Royal Armoured Corps)
William Francis Livingston joined the 7th Armoured Division North Africa on 29th June 1939 at the age of 16 as part of Royal Armoured Corps. It as only discovered he was under-age to join after completion of basic training and on the sea journey to relieve Torbruk as 1st Armoured Division to North Africa - at this point it was too late to do anything about it. On the 15th September 1943, the Regiment landed at Salerno in Italy, but after the Volturno crossing, it returned to England with the rest of 7th Armoured to prepare for North West Europe. Located at Thetford Forest, Norfolk to prepare and waterproof equipment and vehicles for further battles in Normany and into Europe. Now part of the British 21st Army Group (under General Montgomery), British Second Army. The Fifth landed in Normandy on the 7th June 1944 and, after heavy fighting in the “Bocage” the Fifth took part in the Great Advance through France and Belgium. By December 1944 the Fifth was in Germany, crossing the Rhine in March and reaching Hamburg by May. His unit was amongst the first to enter and witness the horrors of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, see: After the German surrender, 21st Army Group was converted into the headquarters for the British zone of occupation in Germany. It was renamed the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR) on 25 August 1945 and eventually formed the nucleus of the British forces stationed in Germany throughout the Cold War. The Fifth remained in Germany for the next eight years at; Wilster, Brunsbuttel, Hamm and Hohne. The Fifth was the first Armoured regiment to be issued with Centurion Tanks. He left the army in November 1949, one day before his 27th birthday. Primarily a driver of lorries, armoured vehicles and tanks, losing his two front teeth as he crashed into a tree taking a corner, as a dispatch rider, on a motorbike. During his time in Germany he was a corporal and PT Instructor, becoming extremely fit and running many long distance races. He was amongst a handful of athletes who ran sub 4 minute miles in the early 50's. However, Roger Bannister was the first to be officially recorded. Discharged on 28 Oct 1949 with an Exemplary Military conduct from 5th Royal Tank regiment.
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Llewellyn, Christopher (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 21/04/1938
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Lloyd Edward Capt.

Rank: Bombardier Regiment/Service: Royal Artillery Unit Text: 113 (2/5th Bn. The Durham Light Inf.) Lt. A.A. Regt. Age: 23 Date of Death: 28/11/1944 Service No: 11254046 Additional information: Son of Christopher Richard and Esther Annie Mary Loades; husband of Gwendoline Doris Loades, of Littlehampton, Sussex. Grave/Memorial Reference: IV. A. 8. Cemetery: VENRAY WAR CEMETERY
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive

Loan, F W (113th LAA)
Possibly Frank. More to follow
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Lock, Henry (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Lockwood, Norman (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Lockwood, Norman, Sergeant (113th LAA)
Enlisted 16/9/1940 55 SL Regt.
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Logan, Alexander (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 25/04/1939
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Long, John L (RASC)
Driver RASC Aged 38 On duty in 10 May 1945 at Belsen. A week later he was taken ill, was flown to England, and died on June 15, from Leucemia. (Leucemia: A different spelling of leukemia, cancer of the blood cells. The growth and development of the blood cells are abnormal.)
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Long, Victor (1SAS)
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Lord, H (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 20/06/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Lowe, Edward (Teddy) RAMC
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Lowe, Samuel James (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA Enlistment Date: 16/09/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Gunner, 113th. KIA Normandy, 1944
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive

Luscombe, George (RASC)
Born Goveton in 1900 As a young man he served in the Royal navy for 12 years. In 1939 he joned the RASC as an Ambulance driver and took part in the relief of Belsen. Soon after he developed Tuberculosis of the lungs from which he dies in 1945. Buried at Thurlestone. Exeter
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Lyne, Major General
Submitted by: Belsen Archive

Lynn, Edward (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 15/02/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

Lynn, Ernest Thomas (113 LAA)
55 Searchlight Regt RA: 113th LAA (TA) Enlistment Date: 29/07/1940
Submitted by: 113th DLI Archive/Belsen Archive

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Liberation of Bergen Belsen
Despite the annual britishness tweets of the liberation of Belsen, there is no memorial at the site for all the Read more
Liberation of Bergen Belsen
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Liberation of Bergen Belsen

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This site will progress and I’d encourage anyone with any info to get in touch. My granddad, Reg Price served with the 113th Durham Light Infantry*, as part of 369 Battery. As a signwriter, he produced this sign…

Liberation of Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp
The Sign at the Liberation of Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp

And this was kept in the family for years – so for the 75th anniversary of the Liberation of Belsen in 2020, subsequent VE Day and VJ Day, I thought it’s about time I’d try to find out more about Reg – his comrades (many of which are names, simply written on the back of photos), what they did together and for a way to remember them all, properly.

To coinicide with the anniversary, I was able to be filmed both on national and local BBC TV to tell Reg’s Story.
Whilst this was totally out of my comfort zone and I dreaded every moment – I decided I needed to do something to start this all off. BBC Midlands Today aired 7th May and a VE Day Antiques Roadshow Special aired Sunday 10th May.

Read here about The Heroes of Belsen.

The main photo, shown here was coloured for the 75th Anniversary and we’ll tell you all about it shortly – and what happened next!

*Just 113th Durham Light Infantry? No we are interested in all Service and Medical personnel who took part during the humanitarian effort at Belsen Concentration Camp. Their roles and names are largely forgotten, as many were too horrified to ever speak of what they had to do, so this archive seeks to form a tribute to ALL those that were there, to find out more and to remember them.
If you have a relative, or any info, on the relief effort at Belsen, we’d love you to please get in touch. Email us: – Thank you


The Liberation of Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp

Any 113th Durham Light Infantry friends or family are encouraged to get in touch via

** In 1938 the old 5th Battalion DLI changed its role to Searchlights and then in 1940 to Anti-Aircraft. This 113th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment went to Normandy in June 1944 and joined the advance into Germany in early 1945.
Official designation – Brigade: 100 AA • Division: 30 Corps. • Unit: 113 LAA Regt. RA (DLI) TA.

The Liberation of Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp
Names of British soldiers who liberated Belsen

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