Medical Students: Kings College
King’s College Hospital Medical Students.
Michael James Forth
James Learmonth Gowans
7 May 1924 – 1 April 2020
Later specialized in immunology and became professor of experimental pathology at Oxford. He also pursued a research career at the Medical Research Council and showed that lymphocytes play an important role in transplant rejection.
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Alan John Kenny
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Norman Lees
In September 1948 he married Pamela Fawcus and joined a general practice (with Dr Rhoades Buckton) in Wymondham, Norfolk, in 1950.
Bernard William Meade
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Thomas Pimblett
Contracted typhus at Belsen which delayed his medical training by a year.
John Towers
Became a RMO at the Royal West Sussex Hospital in 1946, followed by a psychiatrist at Grayling well in 1950, where he completed his thesis on temporal lobe epilepsy and mental illness, and was then appointed consultant psychiatrist in 1955. He developed a scheme for community care of the elderly and promoted co-ordination with social services.
Gwyn Williams
Sidney Clifford Brookfield Yorke
Became a psychiatrist at the Maudsley Hospital and later took over from Anna Freud at the Hampstead Clinic.
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