• 75th Anniversary Press – Ken Knight

    Ken Knight was one of the first men through the gates. He spoke movingly about the experience to the Dorset Echo in 2003. Here we re-publish the interview with Ken who passed away in 2007.  6,877 total views

  • Bernard Levy

    Bernard Levy, a corporal in the British Military Government at the time, returned to Bergen-Belsen with Presenter Natasha Kaplinsky and spoke of the memories he tried so hard to forget.  5,024 total views

  • Belsen sign

    The Signwriter at Belsen

    Hello welcome this website section relating to the DLI and the part they played at Belsen Concentration Camp in 1945.  9,365 total views

  • Iolo Lewis

    Iolo Lewis was part of the British 11th Armoured Division, which liberated the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in April 1945. Iolo wrote a poem based on his experience called ‘Belsen Silence’.  5,216 total views

  • Harry Skeggs – 32 CSS

    The funeral of Harry Skeggs, a committed and engaged member of St Catherine’s congregation for over sixty years, took place at Chelmsford Crematorium on Wednesday 10th May 2017.  Below is an edited version of the tribute and address given at that service.  5,908 total views

  • Nigel A. Kinnear (Red Cross)

    Prof Nigel A. Kinnear who died on July 19th was a man with many talents. He was a distinguished surgeon, a dedicated teacher who acted as a role model for a generation of young doctors and medical students, and a gifted sportsman who enjoyed life to the full with a sense of humour and a remarkable wit.  7,046 total views

  • Sydney Gottlieb

    General practitioner who became a leading psychiatrist to jazz musicians, actors, and writers.  5,370 total views

  • 75th Anniversary Press – James Heath

    Adrian Andrews, who lives in Bishop’s Stortford with wife Gunta and their two children, has written a book, A Pithead Polar Bear, about his grandfather’s Second Word War service, including the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.  6,571 total views