• Fred Brushett (113 LAA)

    Speaking from his armchair in the Hospice in The Weald, former serviceman Fred Brushett introduces himself and his reasons for making the film.  9,738 total views

  • bergen belsen concentration camp

    Mady Gerrard – Survivor

    On 15th April 1945, British Soldiers entered the gates of Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp for the first time. They found more than 50,000 prisoners, suffering from disease, starvation, neglect and torture – as well as the bodies of thousands who had already died.Immediately, a major relief effort began, with British troops trying to save as many lives as possible, but even after liberation, 14,000 more people would die. Today, 75 years on, SSAFA remembers the actions of the British soldiers, who did what they could to rescue and revive the thousands of people on the verge of death, from the worst terror imaginable. The first men to enter the camp were…

  • Arthur Edwin Ashford (11th Armoured Division)

    My name is Andrea. I was wondering if anyone would be able to advise me on where I can start. I have a few photographs of his, the biggest clue I have is a group photograph with him in the middle and on the back it states 11th Armoured “The Black Bull” R.A.S.C. A couple of his photos also have the number “83” on.  2,039 total views