• James Ernest Thompson (437 Sqn RCAF)

    My grandfather, F/O James Ernest Thompson (Ernie) of 437 sqn RCAF was there shortly after it was overrun by the Brits. His and two other Dakotas picked up Brass and Medical personell in Belgium and landed next to the camp in a field. They took some people of interest who had been prisoners there to a hospital in France before they realized the extent of the Typhus epidemic.  8,082 total views

  • bergen belsen concentration camp

    Elizabeth Dearden (nee Clarkson)

    A much-loved member of the Quaker community in Totnes, who was one of the first relief workers to arrive at Belsen when the notorious concentration camp was liberated, has died at the age of 93.  7,302 total views

  • Patrick Moore. No.3 Commando

    I would like to submit my grandads details. His name was Patrick Moore, he was a rifleman in No.3 commando. He told me he was at Belsen when the bodies were being moved into pits, which he helped with. Possibly attached to 2nd army group but he didn’t give many details.  8,072 total views

  • Sgt. Mike Lewis (AFPU)

    Son of Jewish Polish refugees who had migrated to Britain before WWI, Cameraman Sergeant Mike Lewis was part of the British Army Film and Photographic Unit (AFPU) who filmed the liberation of Bergen-Belsen. He and his wife followed his daughters to Australia in his later years.  7,913 total views

  • Dennis Lewis

    He was born in July 1913 in Chipping Norton and before the war worked as a solicitor’s clerk, living at 62, New Street.  7,037 total views

  • Bill Diack –

    Bill Diack, who received the Legion d’honneur in 2017, was among the Scots who strove to ease the suffering of the Belsen victims.  8,140 total views

  • Harry Oakes (AFPU)

    Sgt Harry Oakes, cine cameraman and photographer with No 5 Army Film and Photographic Unit, poses with his cine camera for a final picture before leaving the North West European theatre in June 1945.  9,025 total views

  • George Hanks (63 ATR)

    GEORGE Hanks was only a teenager when he and his colleagues from the Oxfordshire Yeomanry helped to liberate the notorious Belsen concentration camp, and the horrors he saw have never left him.  8,126 total views