63rd Anti Tank Regt, Move In
A photo discussing the terms of the truce.
Richard. I. G (Dick) Taylor, (Lieutenant-Colonel) (63rd ATR) (left on pic)
Commanding Officer of the 63rd Anti-Tank Regiment. “A great number of them [the inmates] were little more than living skeletons with haggard yellowish faces. Most of the men wore a striped pyjama type of clothing—others wore rags, while women wore striped flannel gowns or any other clothing they had managed to acquire. Many of them were without shoes and wore only socks and stockings. There were men and women lying in heaps on both sides of the track. Others were walking slowly and aimlessly about—a vacant expression on their starved faces.” April, 15
Benjamin George Barnett, Capt. (Later Maj.) (63rd ATR) (second left)
249 Battery 63rd Anti Tank Regiment (QOOH) Receiving his orders on 13 April, Lt Colonel Richard Taylor, officer commanding, 63rd Anti Tank Regiment (QOOH) selected 249 Battery commanded by Major B Barnett to move into the neutral zone and take over the camp at Belsen
Oberst Harries (centre) and Schmitt can be seen, the other soldier is currently sadly unidentified
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